A Training Programme in the Arts of Sacred Magic

Do not let it be forgotten
that there is a native Mystery Tradition of our race
which has its mature aspect in the sun-worship of the Druids
 and the beautiful fairy-lore of the Celts,
its philosophical aspect in the traditions of alchemy
and its spiritual aspect in the Hidden Church of the Holy Grail,
. . . not made with hands,
eternal in the heavens.
 - Dion Fortune

Drink deep from ancient springs of knowledge and spiritual illumination through a training  programme in Sacred Magic, designed and personally directed by international author and teacher, Mara Freeman.


Since ancient times in various Western countries, there have existed Mystery Schools for those who feel called to follow a sacred path that leads to both knowledge of the Self and of the invisible worlds.  A Mystery School is a university of the soul, where we can learn  to awaken and develop our highest potential as spiritual beings. The goal of the Mysteries is the conscious realization of the self as connected with all beings, visible and invisible, on the great Tree of Life, and ultimately with the Divine Source. From this realization comes the power to mediate spiritual energies into the physical world for healing, both personal and planetary.


The Mysteries of Avalon have their source in native British and Celtic teachings, which are a branch of the Western Mystery Tradition. This underground stream of wisdom is emerging today to afford clear and sparkling refreshment for the weary modern soul.

This path will lead you to the spiritual realm known as Avalon, an inner world of wisdom, beauty and truth. Here you will get a chance to explore:

Powerful methods and techniques of the magical arts, including Western
meditations, inner journeying and ritual
Tools for self-awareness and for creating balance and harmony within body & mind
The Many Aspects of the Divine Feminine
The Inner Quest for the Holy Grail
The Mythos of Arthur and Merlin 
Angels and Archangels
The Faery Race and the Sacred Land
Nature Spirits and Devas
Sacred Sites and Earth Mysteries
Planetary and Stellar Magic
The Hermetic Qabalah
The Secret of the Rose Garden

You will also develop invaluable inner skills including:
Powerful methods and techniques of the magical arts, including Western meditations, inner journeying and ritual
Tools for self-awareness and for creating balance and harmony within body and mind


Most important of all, you will learn how to connect with your essential self – the immortal soul, the source of inner peace and true joy. You will discover resources of healing, support and guidance for your soul’s journey through life by learning how to contact your Higher Self, angelic guides, and other Inner Plane powers of Light; open to higher worlds through the mystical Qabalah; experience the love and wisdom of the Divine Feminine; deepen into the beauty and power of the Green World – the outer world of Nature and the inner world of Faerie – and experience yourself as connected with all beings in the great Web of Life.

The programme can be taken wherever you live, and you will receive personal mentoring for each lesson by Mara Freeman via phone or email.

You will also be able to share the journey by connecting with other students in an online community via Facebook.


Call for details:
From USA: (free) 1 800 657 1520
Worldwide: (+44)7944 137 892
From UK: 07944 137 892
© 2021 The Chalice Centre
Western Esoteric Wisdom
Celtic Magical Traditions

The website of Mara Freeman